Friday, May 28, 2010

Survive Life In Minutes

Survive Life In Minutes.

It took a friend to turn my Blog name around to get me to see what I should have.

For some reason the Cosmos has decided to test my mettle and has been lobbing round after round of tough stuff my way. Contrary to what some think, I have never lead a charmed life to begin with. I have, however, been blessed with the ability to take things in stride. Weather the storm if you will. At least I thought so until recently.

Now the Cosmos wasn’t just sending things my way, sending me things to deal with. No…the Cosmos mostly took things away from me. Things I wanted, things I need. I think that’s what disturbs me most. How much I lost. How much I’m still losing.

Setting aside my only child notions of “this is mine!”, I still am reeling from just how much is gone. I’ve lost significantly in just about every area of my life. Work life, Family life, Personal life…you name it…something or someone is gone. Some of the loss is visible to others, some of it came from places only I know about. No matter the source…it’s gone and it hurts.

I can rebound, I can recover…I always do. What’s been the struggle is getting hit with so many things coming from so many directions...and seemingly all at once. I used a metaphor of ocean waves to describe how I feel. One can wade into the water and everything is just fine. Then a sudden wave hits and knocks you off balance. That’s fine because you recover, you get your legs under you and you are back to standing again. Then comes another wave, one you didn’t see approaching and this time it's water in your mouth, and you are wobbly but still able to stand. The next wave hits and wham…you’re down and choking. Halfway to standing you get hit again and this time you get knocked flat, skin raw as your knees scrape on the sand. Now you can’t see from the salt water sting in your eyes, you are disoriented and starting to feel a bit frightened. You know you have to get up because by now you know another wave is coming. As my friend said, “You'll have to crawl to the shore - as hard as that seems”.

As hard as that seems. And crawl I do…because I want to survive. I want to get up and get on with life. Live life as it should be lived. The way it should be lived.

As I choose to Live My Life In Minutes … so must I accept the stormy seas. I'll accept those stormy, raging and unforgiving seas, I'll accept them, I'll stand up to them and I'll survive them. One minute at a time.

Survive Life In Minutes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MrsP...Your words have touched me more then you could ever know.
