Sunday, March 29, 2009

What A Fool Believes

April 1 will be here on Wednesday. I have a distinct Love/Hate relationship with April Fools Day. I love it because I am a practical jokester and save my best stuff to unleash on April Fools Day. I dislike it because falling for the joke always reminds me of what it feels like to, in fact, be a fool. To feel a fool.

I am not the sort of person who fools easily. I am quite intuitive and generally can see a liar and a cheat from miles away. I can spot a poseur and don't suffer them kindly. It's not the liar and cheat I refer to here. I can deal with them with relative ease. The one that has the ability to fool me comes wrapped in decency and kindness. Presented to me in humbleness and affection. Fools me for what I believe them to be. Not because they've lied or misrepresented....but because of what I saw, what I believed.

Kenny Loggins and Michael MacDonald wrote a song called, What A Fool Believes. In it lies the truth of why some of us allow ourselves to be....the fool. One phrase lingers in my memory...

But what a fool believes he sees
No wise man has the power to reason away
What seems to be

We have all been made a fool. We have all been fooled. It hurts like nothing else in least that's what I think. My first experience as a complete fool changed me forever. It changed how I looked at life and at people. It made me better and it did not ruin me. In fact it made me smarter and more equipped to deal with life, helped me to make good assessments. Still, it happens to the best of us. We are fools because we believe. It's that simple.

Despite this ... and in order to have anything at all in life ... we have to risk being that fool. We have to let go and say... let it come to me and I'll believe. We have to stand still and wait for it with our eyes open. Stand tall and see what happens.

What a fool believes is what they see. What they see is often what they want to see, what they wish for, what they wish it to be. Sometimes it's necessary to be that fool, necessary to not reason away what we see or what we believe. Sometimes we have to be willing to be that fool in order to have what we see. Sometimes what we exactly what is there.

Sometimes it's exactly what seems to be.



Cathie said...

Oh I always forget about April Fool's day!

Alex said...

Any excuse for chocolate.

I remember being in France at this time of year. There were big chocolate fish in the chocolatier's windows. I have the impression they use poisson d'avril as an excuse for eating chocolate.

Alex said...

A link to what I was waffling about

Shannon said...

I love reading your posts...they always seem to hit me right where it just the right time...