Saturday, February 27, 2010

The View From Halfway

I had a conversation recently, at a luncheon with friends, about reaching that place in life where you realize that you have gained a certain amount of wisdom. I'd say I am well past the half-way point in my life as I don't expect to live beyond 100 years. In the 50 odd years I have been on this earth, I have learned a thing or two about life. While my kids often roll their eyes when I wax philosophical (I let them think I don't see them), I know a few things.

As I started to tick off some of the things I learned, my friends said, "you should write these down!"....

So I did....

People can still surprise you.

Old dogs can learn new tricks and the tricks are far more interesting at this point.

Forever means different things to different people.

Don’t worry about the skinny little thing on the elliptical next to you at the gym. You were once her, she will one day be you. It’s a sort of symmetry.

Start being yourself. Don’t you think it’s time?

Don’t look back at memories. Be the memory for someone by what you do now.

Fall in love if you get a chance…. it’s so much better when you are older. Without the drama and the hair trigger from the teenage years, it could be a lot of fun.

Say what you think at all times. Miss Congeniality is over-rated. Not to mention the fact that she didn’t win the contest now did she?

Save yourself. The white night is not coming for you, his armor is rusty by now, his trusted steed has long been shipped off to the glue factory.

If you don’t have a good, close friend to share life’s ups and downs…you yourself aren’t a good friend.

Don’t be the reason someone leaves you. Be the reason they were a complete idiot for not staying.

You can have adventures without ever leaving the house.

Be selfish now. The other way hasn't worked so far has it?

The Desiderata makes perfect sense at this age. Hang it back up…. today.

“I am too old” is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Stop asking why. No one is going to answer you.

Don’t take a leap of faith unless you are sure you can survive the fall.

Have a care with what you give. Be generous with those who deserve you, and stingy with those who don’t.

Bucket list shmuket list. What on earth are you waiting for?

1 comment:

nhgal said...

Such words of wisdom.......